"2020: The Year Of The Climate Candidates"
"It’s official: The 2020 Democratic presidential field is now awash with climate candidates."
"It’s official: The 2020 Democratic presidential field is now awash with climate candidates."
"As infrastructure talks progress on Capitol Hill, Democrats are calling for any legislative package to address climate change."
"Rural electric cooperatives have a long and proud history in the United States. Beginning in the mid-1930s, they brought electricity to rural America, lighting up 56 percent of the nation's landmass and providing power to 90 percent of its poorest counties. They did it mostly with the cheapest energy source America had at the time: coal."
"EPA plans to consolidate its research office, combining several of the agency's science programs into a smaller, more streamlined division."
"President Trump will propose today a fiscal 2020 budget that will seek across-the-board cuts for energy and environmental programs and renew a border wall funding fight that sparked a lengthy government shutdown earlier this year."
"A Connecticut lawmaker wants to strike climate change from state science standards. A Virginia legislator worries teachers are indoctrinating students with their personal views on global warming. And an Oklahoma state senator wants educators to be able to introduce alternative viewpoints without fear of losing their jobs."
"Two plans gaining traction would both put a price on fossil fuel pollution and send revenue back to taxpayers as dividends. Only one has big oil companies on board."
"If they had known, they never would have bought the house on Bayou Glen Road. Sure, it was a beautiful lot, tucked in a bend of the creek, backyard woodsy and wild, the neighbors friendly and the street quiet."
"All of a sudden, it's gotten really hard to escape climate change. Not the problem itself — that threat has been looming for a while now. But discussions about global warming have hit a fever pitch in recent months, often overwhelming other issues in Congress, on television and on the campaign trail."
"The Trump administration is again seeking severe cuts to the U.S. Energy Department division charged with renewable energy and energy efficiency research, according to a department official familiar with the plan."