National (U.S.)

"Recording Reveals Oil Industry Execs Laughing At Trump Access"

"Gathered for a private meeting at a beachside Ritz–Carlton in Southern California, the oil executives were celebrating a colleague’s sudden rise. David Bernhardt, their former lawyer, had been appointed by President Donald Trump to the powerful No. 2 spot at the Department of the Interior."

Source: Reveal, 03/25/2019

Dams to Tame a Swelling River May Be Outmatched by Climate Change

"Along the Missouri, John Remus controls a network of dams that dictates the fate of millions. ‘It was not designed to handle this.’"

"There were no good choices for John Remus, yet he had to choose.

Should he try to hold back the surging Missouri River but risk destroying a major dam, potentially releasing a 45-foot wall of water? Or should he relieve the pressure by opening the spillway, purposefully adding to the flooding of towns, homes and farmland for hundreds of miles.

Source: NY Times, 03/22/2019

Military Knew Flood Risks at Offutt Air Base, But Didn’t Act in Time

"For several years, the U.S. military and federal and local officials knew that Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska lay exposed to the threat of catastrophic flooding. But a key federal agency moved too slowly to approve plans to protect the base from last weekend's deluge, a top local official said."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/22/2019

"Politics: After Fast Start, A Slowdown For The Green New Deal"

"Sen. Chris Van Hollen likes the Green New Deal and plans to soon support its ambitious vision of fighting climate change. but first, the Maryland Democrat has to get a couple of things in order — such as finishing up a related measure that would impose a price on carbon emissions."

Source: ClimateWire, 03/22/2019


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