National (U.S.)

"Literature: Meet Cli-Fi. It's Dark, It's Gloomy — And It Might Help"

"The southern United States disappeared under rising waters and sudden storms pummel the coast of the Mississippi Sea. New Orleans is gone; so is Florida. Oil is outlawed, and the nation is plunged into a second civil war marked by disease and desperate refugees. ... This is cli-fi."

Source: ClimateWire, 02/18/2020

"Bald Eagles Across The United States Are Dying From Lead Poisoning"

"Bald eagles across the United States are dying from lead bullets -- but it's not because they're being shot. The Cape Fear Raptor Center, North Carolina's largest eagle rehab facility, has treated seven eagles in the past month for lead poisoning, executive director Dr. Joni Shimp told CNN."

Source: CNN, 02/18/2020

Peach Grower Awarded $265 Million From Bayer, BASF in Weedkiller Lawsuit

"A Missouri jury’s $265 million award to peach grower Bill Bader in his lawsuit against herbicide providers Bayer and BASF has raised the stakes for the two companies as at least 140 similar cases head to U.S. courts later this year."

Source: Reuters, 02/18/2020

Weather Data Privatization Poses Conflicts in a Changing Meteorology Landscape

Weather reports are not just about donning galoshes. They can mean literal life or death for people and businesses, such as during a natural disaster. So, as the latest Issue Backgrounder details, the ongoing effort to privatize publicly funded weather data is a matter of real controversy. Find out what’s in the weather privatization forecast.

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Data Project Details Nation's Disintegrating Dams

Hundreds of U.S. dams are at risk, and the Associated Press undertook a massive two-year-long investigative reporting project to gather and sort data that would identify those presenting the greatest hazards. In this guest Reporter’s Toolbox, AP data journalist Michelle Minkoff details the news service’s painstaking process, its striking findings and the impact of its reporting. Plus, key lessons learned for other data news projects.

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