National (U.S.)

Oil Execs On Trump’s ‘Opening The Country’ Council Are Major GOP Donors

"Eight fossil fuel executives tapped for a White House task force advising President Donald Trump on how to reopen the U.S. economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic have donated millions to Trump and other Republican campaigns and political committees in recent years."

Source: HuffPost, 04/30/2020

More Than 150 Groups Write Opposing EPA Coronavirus Enforcement Policy

"A coalition of more than 150 groups wrote to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to oppose a controversial memo in which the agency said it temporarily might not seek penalties against companies that don’t monitor their pollution."

Source: The Hill, 04/30/2020

EPA Board: 'Secret Science' Proposal May 'Reduce Scientific Integrity'

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) independent board of science advisers had harsh words for an agency plan to limit the types of studies it considers when crafting regulations, saying the EPA had failed to justify the need for the policy."

Source: The Hill, 04/30/2020

Trump Cuts US Research On Bat-Human Virus Transmission Over China Ties

"The Trump administration abruptly cut off funding for a project studying how coronaviruses spread from bats to people after reports linked the work to a lab in Wuhan, China, at the center of conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins."

Source: Politico, 04/29/2020


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