Environmental groups say the Interior Department's effort to site solar-power projects on public lands should not harm wildlife and should be accompanies by similar efforts for other kinds of alternative energy.
"The Treasury and the Energy Department today unveiled long-awaited new rules under which the government will pay up to 30 percent of the cost of renewable energy projects."
Consumers are attracted to the "cash-for-clunkers" program that gives them several thousand dollars to trade in old gas guzzlers for more fuel-efficient cars.
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has bumped back the deadline until Sept. 28 for the six committees working on a comprehensive climate change and energy bill."
"Climate change could push dengue fever into all corners of the United States, as the mosquitoes that can carry the traditionally tropical virus survive warmer U.S. winters .... scientists at the Natural Resources Defense Council said in a report."
The Government Accountability Office, testifying before a Congressional committee, urged the Food and Drug Administration to stiffen oversight of bottled water and give consumers more information about what they are drinking.
"A federal appeals court yesterday upheld nearly all U.S. EPA designations of areas where airborne soot concentrations exceed national standards, rejecting challenges from state and local governments and industry groups."