"Schools in the Dark About Tainted Lunches"
The secretive Food and Drug Administration withheld information about contaminated tacos sold to school lunch programs that caused kids to continue to get violently sick in several states for years.
The secretive Food and Drug Administration withheld information about contaminated tacos sold to school lunch programs that caused kids to continue to get violently sick in several states for years.
"The rapid adoption by U.S. farmers of genetically engineered corn, soybeans and cotton has promoted increased use of pesticides, an epidemic of herbicide-resistant weeds and more chemical residues in foods, according to a report issued Tuesday by health and environmental protection groups."
"The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday proposed new air quality regulations for sulfur dioxide emissions, which come mostly from power plants and industrial facilities, expecially those that burn coal."
"Smaller than a virus and used in more than 200 consumer products, silver nanoparticles can kill and mutate fish embryos, new research shows."
When electric utility customers pay extra for "green power certificates," are they really getting green power?
"The awards of $18.5 billion in federal loan guarantees for new nuclear plant projects remain held up by an ongoing dispute within the Obama administration over the financial risk the new reactors pose for the government and taxpayers, according to industry and government officials."
Discovery of a fungus associated with "White Nose Syndrome," which is killing millions of bats in the easter US, is just the beginning of an unravelling mystery, a Boston University bat biologist says.
"Three new studies show a link between Scotchgard-type chemicals in ground water and high cholesterol in human blood. 3M says its studies have shown no such a link."