National (U.S.)

"Measures Across the United States Target Port Pollution"

"Approximately 87 million Americans who live near major seaports are breathing some of the nation's dirtiest -- and most dangerous -- air, the Environmental Protection Agency says. But help is on the way, thanks to initiatives across the USA to cut pollution coming from ships, vehicles and other sources within the ports themselves."

Source: USA TODAY, 03/25/2010

Senate Trio's Climate Bill Said To Hide Info on Fracking Poisons

A March 23, 2010, Greenwire article reports that the draft Kerry-Lieberman-Graham climate bill may include language to keep potentially toxic ingredients from gas drilling secret from the public whose health may be harmed by them.

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AP Correction: Lejeune Toxic Tap Water Story

"In a story Feb. 17 about contaminated water at the Camp Lejeune Marine base, The Associated Press made several errors. First, the AP reported erroneously that an environmental contractor omitted the cancer-causing chemical benzene from a final report on pollutants in a base well, part of a long-running review of contamination in the base's water supply. The contractor's 1994 report does list benzene as one of the contaminants in the well, although it does not say how much benzene was found."

Source: AP, 03/24/2010


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