National (U.S.)

"In Florida Keys, Residents Plan Their Own Spill Cleanup"

"Facing the possibility that oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill could arrive on its reefs and beaches in the coming weeks, many in the Florida Keys are once again angry about perceived fools and bureaucrats. In particular, they've watched how BP has monopolized and, in the eyes of many, mismanaged the oil cleanup in the northern Gulf of Mexico and are frantically trying to organize an independent local response."

Source: TIME, 06/16/2010

Gulf Spill Raises Environmental Justice Concerns

"Federal agencies responding to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster should do a better job of targeting communities that have historically been underrepresented in disaster response, including people of color and Native Americans, members of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council said Tuesday."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 06/16/2010

BP Employees Continue to Bar Media from Public Property

WDSU, the NBC affiliate in New Orleans (Channel 6) find that BP's highly publicized statement that it is not barring news media from witnessing the cleanup, or its failure, are in fact not true. Without any legal authority, BP "security" contractors aggressively seek to intimidate and drive away reporters trying to cover the spill and response on public beaches.

Source: WDSU, 06/16/2010

"In Address To Nation, Obama Urges Action on Clean Energy Bill"

"President Obama urged the nation Tuesday to rally behind legislation that would begin changing the way the country consumes and generates energy, saying the expanding oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is 'the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now.'"

Source: Wash Post, 06/16/2010

"Efforts to Repel Gulf Oil Spill Are Described as Chaotic"

From the start, the massive effort to keep oil from the BP Gulf spill away from land "has been bedeviled by a lack of preparation, organization, urgency and clear lines of authority among federal, state and local officials, as well as BP. As a result, officials and experts say, the damage to the coastline and wildlife has been worse than it might have been if the response had been faster and orchestrated more effectively."

Source: NYTimes, 06/15/2010


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