National (U.S.)

"Gov’t Official’s Associates Got Big Contracts After the BP Oil Spill"

The president of Louisiana's St. Bernard Parish lambasted as untrue a ProPublica report that local officials -- nicknamed "spillionaires" -- had cashed in by manipulating cleanup contracts after the BP oil spill. New documents, however, support ProPublica's investigative findings, and raise questions about whether the official testified truthfully under oath before Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-CA) House Oversight Committee.

Source: ProPublica, 07/19/2011

"Earthquake Risks Probed at U.S. Nuclear Plants"

"When an earthquake launched a tsunami that devastated a Japanese nuclear complex in March, U.S. regulators quickly reassured the public that American reactors were built to withstand the expected severity of earthquakes in their areas. Privately, though, internal emails from March show staffers at the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission fretted about the public attention on the potential earthquake vulnerability of some U.S. plants."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 07/19/2011

"N.R.C. Chief Plans Quick Response to Post-Fukushima Study"

"The chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Monday that it should decide within 90 days on how to address recommendations to be issued this week by a task force that examined the lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Japan. Almost simultaneously, House Republicans and the industry’s trade association warned him not to rush."

Source: Green (NYT), 07/19/2011


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