"Enviro Group's Report: Apples Most Contaminated With Residues"
"Apples sold in the United States are more contaminated with pesticide residue than virtually any other produce, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) said today."
"Apples sold in the United States are more contaminated with pesticide residue than virtually any other produce, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) said today."
"This month the Environmental Protection Agency made public the names of 150 chemicals that were investigated in health and safety studies but whose identities were withheld as confidential business information."
"The Obama administration released new guidelines that would make it easier to farm fish in federal waters, a move that could transform the nation's coasts and the food Americans will consume in years to come."
"The Environmental Protection Agency, facing intense opposition from Congressional Republicans and industry over a broad range of new air quality regulations, said Monday that it was delaying by two months the release of a proposed rule on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and other major pollution sources."
"Facing heavy criticism for a sluggish economic recovery, U.S. President Barack Obama brought his talk about the importance of growing more green jobs to a thriving LED factory in North Carolina Monday."
"Spotted owls are on the decline despite two decades of work to bring them back. So, later this month, wildlife officials are releasing a new plan to protect the owls, and it includes a controversial new approach: eliminating their cousins."
"The plastic bag industry, increasingly on the defensive as municipal bag bans proliferate, has gone on the attack against ChicoBag, a competitor that bills itself as an eco-friendly alternative. A federal lawsuit in South Carolina accuses ChicoBag of illegal trash-talking about plastic bag waste."
New Jersey is pulling out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and three other states may follow. Why is RGGI on the ropes and who is throwing the punches? RGGI is made up of 10 northeastern states stretching from Maine to Delaware. In 2008, they banded together to form a carbon-trading program for power plants --- a market mechanism that enables utilities to buy and sell emission credits so they can meet caps on the amount of carbon they're allowed to put into the air.
The rise of the 'tea-party' movement has caused House Energy Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R=MI) to transform himself from a green advocate to an anti-EPA standard bearer.
Dengue fever, a painful disease transmitted by mosquitos, is now showing up in Florida for the first time in more than 70 years. Climate change could be a factor.