"Transocean Report Blames BP for Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster"
"An internal investigation by the owner of the rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico last year has largely blamed BP for the disaster."
"An internal investigation by the owner of the rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico last year has largely blamed BP for the disaster."
"John Bryson, a former Southern California utility executive, tries to ease concerns that his environmental views are too liberal at his Senate confirmation hearing."
"A new coalition of public health advocates is urging Maine's two U.S. senators to take a stand against what they describe as a full-scale assault on the Clean Air Act by powerful corporate interests."
"After a brief but rancorous debate, a House committee approved a fast-tracked bill that would shift regulatory powers over water, wetlands and mountaintop-mining regulation from U.S. EPA to the states."
"Motorcyclists and ATV riders are revved up by a Republican plan that would remove restrictions on motorized access to 43 million acres of public land nationwide, while environmentalists say it would be a big mistake."
"The House has approved a bill removing a barrier to companies seeking to drill for oil in some areas offshore."
Are you looking for a story of interest to consumers, retailers, manufacturers, lawyers, politicians, health officials, and editors of the business, politics, health, energy, science, and environment beats? Here are some starting points for coverage of plastics issues. Once you delve into this topic, other angles and sources will emerge.
"An environmental group threatened to sue two of the nation's biggest rail owners Tuesday under a novel legal theory that would classify diesel exhaust as hazardous waste."
"In a win for the coal industry, a House committee approved a bill Tuesday that would prevent federal regulation of coal ash as hazardous waste."
"Exposure to chemicals early in life may alter how breast tissue develops and raise the risks of breast cancer and lactation problems later in life, scientists concluded in a report published Wednesday. The scientists are urging federal officials to add new tests for industrial chemicals and pesticides to identify ones that might disrupt breast development."