National (U.S.)

"EPA Considers New Call for Toxicity Testing of BPA"

"The Environmental Protection Agency solicited public comment, July 26, about whether to require new toxicity testing and environmental sampling of bisphenol A, an ingredient in many plastics and food-contact resins." Recent studies suggest BPA exposure may come from a wider variety of products, and cause more serious health effects, than previously thought.

Source: Science News, 07/28/2011

"Only One Deadly Strain of E. Coli Is Illegal"

"The food-safety world knows there are a half-dozen or more lethal forms of E. coli ending up in our meat or on our leafy greens that are so virulent they can send people to the hospital and even kill them. But in the United States only one, E. coli O157:H7, is officially termed an adulterant, meaning any raw ground beef that tests positive for it cannot be sold for human consumption."

Source: USA TODAY, 07/27/2011


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