National (U.S.)

"Post-Irene Cleanup May Damage Environment"

"Scientists are beginning to get a picture of the environmental impact of Tropical Storm Irene, which ripped through some of the East Coast's most pristine rivers, triggering hundreds of oil, chemical and sewage spills. Now, some environmental groups worry that the cleanup could cause even more harm."

Brian Mann reports for NPR's All Things Considered September 14, 2011.


Source: NPR, 09/15/2011

Water Testing in Chicago Raises Concerns on Screening Process for Lead

"Nationwide, water is screened for lead by checking the first sample of water from homeowners' faucets. But results of recent federal testing in Chicago show that although all homes passed that first test, nearly 45 percent had lead levels spike when more water samples were taken directly afterward."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 09/15/2011

"Furor Over Loans to Failed Solar Firm"

"Republican lawmakers, escalating the political furor over the collapse of a solar equipment manufacturer that received a $528 million government loan, released excerpts from Obama administration e-mails on Wednesday suggesting that the White House pressed federal officials to wrap up their review of the loan quickly for political purposes."

Source: NY Times, 09/15/2011
April 13, 2012

DEADLINE: Seventh Annual Constitutional Environmental Law Student Writing Competition (2011-12)

The U.S. Constitution has long been interpreted by the courts and understood by most Americans to support comprehensive environmental protections. However, arguments questioning the constitutional legitimacy of environmental law have continued to gain traction in the federal courts. In response to this trend, ELI, ABA SEER’s Constitutional Environmental Law Committee, and NAELS invite law students to submit papers exploring current issues of constitutional environmental law. Deadline: April 13, 2012.



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