National (U.S.)

"Group Opposed to Pipeline Seeks More Documents on Lobbyists"

"Friends of the Earth, an environmental group, expanded its Freedom of Information Act request concerning the State Department’s evaluation of the Keystone XL pipeline proposal, which involves the construction of a new pipeline to carry crude from Canadian oil sands to the Gulf Coast. The environmental group’s original request had centered on communication between the State Department and Paul Elliott, the chief Washington lobbyist for TransCanada, the pipeline company."

Source: NY Times, 10/07/2011

E-Mails: White House Weighed a 2nd Solyndra Loan Worth $469 Million

"Early last year, the Obama administration was so optimistic about the business prospects of Solyndra, the solar equipment manufacturer that declared bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million government loan, that officials entertained the possibility of giving the California company a second loan of almost half a billion dollars, according to internal e-mails."

Source: NY Times, 10/06/2011

"Enviros Blame Rep. Pearce for Inciting N.M. County to Bulldoze River"

"An environmental group accused Republican Rep. Steve Pearce of New Mexico of inciting a county in his district to flout federal environmental laws by bulldozing 47 road crossings through a stretch of the San Francisco River in the Gila National Forest."

Source: Greenwire, 10/05/2011


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