National (U.S.)

"Nuclear Waste Site Hunt Could Point To Granite"

"MONTPELIER, Vt. -- The likely death of a planned nuclear waste site at Nevada's Yucca Mountain has left federal agencies looking for a possible replacement. A national lab working for the U.S. Department of Energy is now eying granite deposits stretching from Georgia to Maine as potential sites, along with big sections of Minnesota and Wisconsin where that rock is prevalent."

Source: AP, 12/20/2011

"40% Of State Drilling Regulators Have Industry Ties"

"Robert Finne was talking with a friend about the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission earlier this year when they both started wondering, 'Who are these people?' So they wrote to the commission and asked. Finne, a critic of gas drilling in the Fayetteville Shale, was surprised to learn that most of the commissioners owned oil and gas drilling companies. 'I knew the cards were stacked against us, but I had no idea how badly,' Finne said."

Mike Soraghan reports for Greenwire December 19, 2011.

Source: Greenwire, 12/20/2011

"Aging Pipes, Deadly Hazards"

"Despite a long history of accidents, and a stack of warnings from safety investigators, there are still thousands of miles of antiquated, leak-prone, cast-iron pipelines running under the streets of Pennsylvania cities and towns. Some are more than 100 years old."

Joseph Tanfani and Craig R. McCoy report the last of a four-part "Battle Lines" series for the Philadelphia Inquirer's Deep Drill reports December 18, 2011.

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/20/2011

Funds Cut for New Light Bulb Standards Will Have Little Effect

"The federal spending bill before Congress is a no-spending bill for the Energy Department when it comes to enforcing new efficiency standards for light bulbs. But the new standards for light bulbs — signed into law in 2007 — would remain in place, meaning the effort to stem the new rules might mean little at the end of the day."

Source: Wash Post, 12/19/2011

"Boehner Says House G.O.P. Opposes Deal on Payroll Tax"

A rider attached to the payroll tax bill would set a 60-day deadline for the Obama administration to make a postponed decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. A deal on the bill had seemed done as the weekend began, but comments by House Speaker John Boehner on a Sunday talk show seemed to signal that GOPers were going back on the deal.

Source: NY Times, 12/19/2011


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