National (U.S.)

"Secret Cold War Tests in St. Louis Raise Concerns"

"ST. LOUIS -- Doris Spates was a baby when her father died inexplicably in 1955. She has watched four siblings die of cancer, and she survived cervical cancer. After learning that the Army conducted secret chemical testing in her impoverished St. Louis neighborhood at the height of the Cold War, she wonders if her own government is to blame."

Source: AP, 10/04/2012

"Debate: Obama Backs Green Energy, Romney Backs Black"

"DENVER -- The deep division between President Barack Obama’s green energy policies and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney’s preference for coal and tar sands oil were apparent in their first presidential debate tonight in Denver."

"Challenged by Obama to explain his plan for the country if he is elected on November 6, Romney replied, 'My plan has five basic parts. One, get us energy independent, North American energy independent. That creates about four million jobs.'

Source: ENS, 10/04/2012


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