National (U.S.)

Message from Mexico: US Polluting Water It May Someday Need to Drink

"Mexico City plans to draw drinking water from a mile-deep aquifer, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. The Mexican effort challenges a key tenet of U.S. clean water policy: that water far underground can be intentionally polluted because it will never be used."

Source: ProPublica, 01/29/2013

"Court Overturns E.P.A.’s Biofuels Mandate"

"WASHINGTON -- A federal appeals court threw out a federal rule on renewable fuels on Friday, saying that a quota set by the Environmental Protection Agency for incorporating liquids made from woody crops and wastes into car and truck fuels was based on wishful thinking rather than realistic estimates of what could be achieved."

Source: NY Times, 01/28/2013

"Congressional Democrats Form Climate Change Task Force"

"WASHINGTON -- Climate change is getting renewed attention in Congress. Representative Henry Waxman of California and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, both Democrats, today announced the formation of a Task Force on Climate Change that will be active in both the House and the Senate."

Source: ENS, 01/25/2013


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