National (U.S.)

April 16, 2013

Whither Audit Policies at EPA and the States?

The Environmental Law Institute offers via teleconference/webinar an expert panel which will discuss the current state of EPA audit policies at the Federal and state levels and best practices moving forward.


Pass Christian, Miss., Is Magnet for High Storm Surge:" New Database

"Louisiana has seen two of the top 10 highest hurricane storm surge levels along the Gulf of Mexico coast in modern times, but it’s Pass Christian, Miss., that has experienced the top two surge heights -- 28 feet during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and 24.6 feet during Hurricane Camille in 1969 -- according to a new database developed by researchers at Louisiana State University."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 03/27/2013

Food Safety Testing Requirement Axed In White House Review

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in January proposed a food safety rule that lacked a requirement for food makers to actually test for germs. The requirement had been removed by a shadowy White House office known as OIRA -- where industry can lobby in secret to overturn science-based rules such as this one, meant to prevent one million illnesses per year.

Source: Huffington Post, 03/27/2013


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