National (U.S.)

'Environmental Justice’ Soldiers on Minus King, Queen, or Major Dollars

"While mainstream environmental organizations lick their wounds over the failure of climate-change legislation and their startling lack of diversity, people of color and those living on low incomes continue to bear the brunt of climate-change impacts."

Source: Colorlines, 04/25/2013

Small Cuts In EPA Air Grants Mean Big Headache for State Regulators

"At a glance, U.S. EPA's plan to cut an $11.5 million grant program in an effort to meet the sequestration mandate doesn't look like much given the agency's $8.5 billion budget. But that's a lot of money to state and local air regulators who have been counting on it."

Source: Greenwire, 04/25/2013

IG: DHS Agency for Oversight of Fertilizer Plant Security in Disarray

"The Homeland Security Department program charged with the security of chemical facilities like the former West Fertilizer Co. plant has been riddled with problems so severe since its creation five years ago that federal investigators recently wondered publicly 'whether it can achieve its mission, given the challenges the program continues to face.'"

Source: Austin American-Statesman, 04/25/2013

"Court Orders EPA to Impose Power Plant Water Pollution Rule"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must meet a court-ordered deadline to issue regulations that clean up power plant water pollution, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled [Tuesday]. The decision turns back an attempt by the utility industry to avoid the financial and operational burdens of the regulations."

Source: ENS, 04/24/2013


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