"Inside the Koch Brothers' Campus Crusade"
"The campus of Koch Brothers Academy spans a nation."
"The campus of Koch Brothers Academy spans a nation."
Drought has driven up the price of hay in the West.
"The Food and Drug Administration said 25 of 26 drug companies that were asked to phase out antibiotics to promote growth in farm animals have agreed to comply with the agency’s voluntary plan."
"West Virginia's drinking water crisis earlier this year highlighted an unsettling truth about tap water: Treatment plants test for only a fraction of the chemicals in use."
"The House is expected to vote Wednesday on a Republican-backed bill that would make it more difficult for the president to declare new national monuments."
"Most climate models a bleak picture of the Great Plains a century from now as a hot region besieged by heavy rainstorms and flooding. And new studies suggest that climate change may bring farmers another headache: more invasive plants."
"The Environmental Protection Agency proposed a rule Tuesday that would give the federal government regulatory authority over millions of acres of wetlands and about 2 million miles of streams."
"In response to a shareholder resolution, ExxonMobil, the largest U.S. energy company, for the first time has agreed to publish a Carbon Asset Risk report on the company website. The report will show investors how ExxonMobil plans for a future where market forces and climate regulations will make some of its oil and gas reserves unburnable."
"The US Energy Department conditionally approved its seventh liquefied natural gas export terminal Monday. The authorization comes as President Obama visits Europe to discuss European energy security and the continent's response to Russia's Crimea annexation."
"Oil from BP’s Macondo well has again been linked to heart defects in embryonic and newborn bluefin and yellowfin tuna and in amberjack, key commercial, open water fish that were spawning in the Gulf of Mexico at the time of the catastrophic blowout, according to a peer-reviewed lab study released Monday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."