National (U.S.)

Why Are 20 Far-Away States Trying To Block Cleanup Of Chesapeake Bay?

"Over the years, the Chesapeake Bay has been known for many things: bountiful seafood, such as clams, oysters and the bay’s iconic blue crabs; its boating, fishing and water sports industry; its curly-haired duck-hunting dogs."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/18/2014

"Va. Supreme Court Rules for U-Va. in Global Warming FOIA Case"

"Unpublished research by university scientists is exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled Thursday, rejecting an attempt by skeptics of global warming to view the work of a prominent climate researcher during his years at the University of Virginia."

Source: Wash Post, 04/18/2014

Will OMB Let OSHA Restart Effort to Update Chemical Exposure Limits?

"In an apparent effort to kickstart agency action on updating permissible exposure limits for hundreds of chemicals, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration asked the White House April 15 to approve a request to gather information on ways to address chemical exposure."

Source: Bloomberg BNA, 04/18/2014

"Plant Breeders Release First 'Open Source Seeds'"

"A group of scientists and food activists is launching a campaign Thursday to change the rules that govern seeds. They're releasing 29 new varieties of crops under a new 'open source pledge' that's intended to safeguard the ability of farmers, gardeners, and plant breeders to share those seeds freely. It's inspired by the example of open source software, which is freely available for anyone to use, but cannot legally be converted into anyone's proprietary product."

Source: NPR, 04/17/2014

UPDATE: Capitol Police Chief Responds to SEJ Letter

Capitol Police Chief Kim C. Dine responded April 10, 2014, to SEJ's letter complaining about the brief detention of BNA energy reporter Ari Natter on March 28. In an e-mail, Dine said: "some of the most important things we do is protect the rights of citizens to express  themselves and protect the freedom of the press as we go about our duties protecting and serving the legislative process."

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