"Senate Sends $12.3B Water Projects Bill To Obama’s Desk"
"The Senate on Thursday voted 91-7 to pass a $12.3 billion bill that approves infrastructure projects and aims to boost U.S. ports and waterways."
"The Senate on Thursday voted 91-7 to pass a $12.3 billion bill that approves infrastructure projects and aims to boost U.S. ports and waterways."
"Albany, New York Sheriff Craig Apple assured a room of concerned citizens that county emergency crews were prepared to handle an oil-train accident involving three or four tank cars."
"Environmentalist Tom Steyer isn't happy that the conservative Koch brothers turned down his offer to debate climate change and the Keystone XL pipeline."
"This is a case study of how a trade group takes a snippet of congressional testimony and twists it out of proportion for political purposes."
"Biofuel groups expect the Environmental Protection Agency to send the final proposed targets to the White House as soon as Friday."
"Climate change: Now it's personal. There will be more itching, sneezing, swelling and gasping for breath as Pennsylvania's climate shifts and residents are exposed to more poison ivy, stinging insects, pollen allergies and lyme-disease-bearing ticks, and experience increased asthma, respiratory disease and heat-related deaths."
"An unnamed U.S. utility was recently breached by cyberattackers who gained access to the utility's operational control system, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security reported this week."
"A watchdog group suggested Thursday that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) move to lower the renewable fuel standard came at the behest of big business."
"In June 2012, Chesapeake Energy Corp. led more than a dozen U.S. EPA officials on a tour of its hydraulic fracturing operations near Sayre, Pa."
"Carnival Corp. will announce Thursday that it is expanding a clean-air program it announced last year, more than doubling the number of ships that will have exhaust cleaning systems installed - at roughly double the price."