National (U.S.)

BPA Alternative Disrupts Normal Brain-Cell Growth, Tied To Hyperactivity: Study

"In a groundbreaking study, researchers have shown why a chemical once thought to be a safe alternative to bisphenol-A, which was abandoned by manufacturers of baby bottles and sippy cups after a public outcry, might itself be more harmful than BPA."

Source: Wash Post, 01/13/2015

"Good News For Bats! Things Are Looking Up For Stemming Disease Spread"

"The bat disease known as white-nose syndrome has been spreading fast, killing millions of animals. But for the first time, scientists are seeing hopeful signs that some bat colonies are recovering and new breakthroughs could help researchers develop better strategies for helping bats survive."

Source: NPR, 01/13/2015

"Senate to Debate Keystone XL, Setting Stage for More Energy Battles"

"The Senate voted Monday to take up a bill that would force approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, opening a debate on energy and climate change that will preview other clashes to come between President Obama and the new Republican Congress. It will also set the stage for the energy and climate battles of the presidential election next year."

Source: NY Times, 01/13/2015

"72 Percent of Republican Senators Are Climate Deniers"

"On Thursday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) offered a simple amendment to the controversial bill that would authorize construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Sanders' measure, which he proposed to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, would have declared it the "sense of Congress" that climate change is real; that it is caused by humans; that it has already caused significant problems; and that the United States needs to shift its economy away from fossil fuels."

Source: Mother Jones, 01/12/2015

"Garbage Incinerators Make Comeback, Kindling Both Garbage and Debate"

"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Rising from a denuded landscape not far from this area’s famed beaches, the nation’s first new commercial garbage incinerator in 20 years is about to be fired up, ready to blast up to 3,000 tons of trash a day into electricity for thousands of houses."

Source: NY Times, 01/12/2015


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