National (U.S.)

Conservative ALEC Threaten Groups Criticizing It for Climate Denial

"Facing a loss of high-profile corporate sponsors, a conservative state-level policy group — the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) — threatened action in recent weeks against activist groups that accuse it of denying climate change."

Source: Wash Post, 04/06/2015

"Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Oil Spill Causes Lung And Gill Injuries"

"New research from investigators at the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggests that Corexit EC9500A, an oil-dispersal agent widely used in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, contributes to damage to epithelium cells within the lungs of humans and gills of marine creatures."

Source: Science Daily, 04/03/2015

It's Almost Impossible To Find Data On Oil & Gas Spills In Most States

"A new report from the environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council has analyzed the data on spills and other violations at oil and gas wells across the country. But perhaps the most interesting aspect of the report is how little data the group was able to turn up."

Source: Huffington Post, 04/02/2015


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