Holy Crop: How Federal Dollars Are Financing the Water Crisis in West
Areas of the Southwest are desert, but federally financed water projects have created cities and farms dependent on water that may not be there much longer.
Areas of the Southwest are desert, but federally financed water projects have created cities and farms dependent on water that may not be there much longer.
"The Atlantic hurricane season will be less active than usual this year due to cooler seas and a strong El Niño effect, the U.S. government weather forecaster said on Wednesday."
"President Obama on Wednesday announced a sweeping new clean water regulation meant to restore the federal government’s authority to limit pollution in the nation’s rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands."
"In September, the Obama administration will make what is arguably the biggest Endangered Species Act decision in history."
"A federal court has rejected Kansas’ challenge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) disapproval of an air pollution plan from the state."
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is getting ready to announce its forecast for the Atlantic hurricane season."
"There will be prayer vigils and pilgrimages, policy briefings and seminars, and sermons in parishes from the U.S. to the Philippines. When Pope Francis releases his much-anticipated teaching document on the environment and climate change in the coming weeks, a network of Roman Catholics will be ready."
"A new analysis from the federal government's energy statisticians finds the Obama administration's plan to reduce the power sector's heat-trapping carbon emissions would raise electricity prices 4.9 percent above their current trajectory by 2020."
"OTTAWA -- North American energy ministers said on Monday they had set up a working group on climate change and energy, a partnership designed to help Canada, the United States and Mexico harmonize policies."
"When crude oil arrives at a refinery in South Philadelphia or Marcus Hook or Paulsboro, the refinery must have a public plan outlining the hazards, a detailed response to possible accidents, and worst-case scenarios for disasters that could endanger hundreds of thousands of people. Not so the trains carrying oil to the refineries."