Small Businesses, Once Off-Limits to Solar, Get SolarCity Greenlight
"The company, backed by Elon Musk, think it's figured out how to break open a $10-billion-a-year market."
"The company, backed by Elon Musk, think it's figured out how to break open a $10-billion-a-year market."
"Groups opposed to the $5 million ExxonMobil settlement are worried that drinking water for 750,000 Arkansas residents isn't protected."
"A conservation group found 36 U.S. national parks had moderate or worse levels of ozone pollution in a report card released on Tuesday, with four parks in California receiving the worst grades for health effects."
"Fires burning in drought-parched California on Tuesday menaced thousands of structures as firefighters struggled to corral the blazes there and elsewhere in the U.S. West, authorities said."
"The Obama administration has decided to give states more time to comply with proposed regulations that will require dramatic cuts in greenhouse-gas pollution from power plants, people familiar with the plans said Tuesday."
"A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday mostly upheld a major federal environmental regulation requiring some states to limit pollution that contributes to unhealthy air in neighboring states."
"Eleven major environment and conservation groups came out against a Senate energy policy overhaul bill on Monday."
"Republican presidential candidates have generally refused to acknowledge the reality of climate change. New polls and a report issued last week show they aren’t helping themselves with business or voters."
"Poachers killed 100,000 elephants between 2010 and 2012, and Obama's rule seeks to crackdown on the illegal trade of ivory."
"Rhode Island's Deepwater Wind will start installing the foundations for North America's first offshore wind farm on Monday, a milestone the company says could pave the way for an industry long established in Europe but that is still struggling with opposition in the United States."