National (U.S.)

"When Dams Come Down, Salmon and Sand Can Prosper"

"When people urge the removal of dams they say are strangling rivers in the West, it’s usually fish they’re worried about. Studies of dam-removal projects show that migratory species like salmon respond quickly to improved conditions once a dam is removed. But the removal of a dam on the Elwha River in northern Washington State — the largest such project in the United States — is demonstrating that there can be another beneficiary: the beach."

Source: NY Times, 08/11/2015

"9th Circuit Orders EPA To Act on Neurotoxin Ban"

"Blasting the Environmental Protection Agency for "egregious" delay in the face of an acknowledged threat to human health, a U.S. appeals court has given the agency an Oct. 31 deadline to issue a full and final response to environmentalists' 2007 petition to take the neurotoxin chlorpyrifos off the market."

Source: Reuters, 08/11/2015

"Perdue Sharply Cuts Antibiotic Use in Chickens and Jabs at Its Rivals"

"SALISBURY, Md. — The floors are spotless in Hatchery 3 on the sprawling Perdue compound here. Doors have been rehung to open out, and temperature control and ventilation systems have been upgraded, all to minimize the potential for airborne contamination."

Source: NY Times, 08/10/2015


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