"Congress Is About To Let the Land And Water Conservation Fund Lapse"
"A popular fund that has supported hundreds of parks around the country is set to go away in less than two weeks, and Congressional dithering is to blame."
"A popular fund that has supported hundreds of parks around the country is set to go away in less than two weeks, and Congressional dithering is to blame."
"The House Energy and Commerce Committee took a major step Thursday toward allowing crude oil exports from the United States."
"Pope Francis wants you to turn off the A/C."
Donald Trump's statement, during the September 16, 2015, debate, that vaccinations cause autism contradicted science and endangered human lives, doctors say. Moreover, the idea (expressed by several candidates) that scheduling childhood vaccinations less frequently than pediatricians recommend also endangers the health of children.
"The head of the Environmental Protection Agency dismissed complaints Wednesday by Republican lawmakers that her agency downplayed the seriousness of a toxic mine spill that fouled rivers in three Western states."
"Outfitting its biggest supertanker to measure the ocean's absorption of carbon dioxide was a crown jewel in Exxon's research program."
"Each year, Americans throw away about a third of the country's food supply. But today, the US Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency announced the country's first-ever food waste reduction goal, calling for a fifty percent reduction by 2030."
Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, leader of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, does not seem to be on board with Pope Francis' teachings on climate change and environmental conservation.
"Rubio says economy must come first as candidates address issue on CNN, as Christie rejects ‘wild leftwing idea’ that we can fix the climate alone".
"The U.S. military is refusing to release a report detailing environmental contamination at Camp Kinser, a 2.7-sq.-km U.S. Marine Corps supply base near Okinawa’s capital, Naha, that is scheduled for return to civilian use."