National (U.S.)

Zinke Creates Outdoor Recreation Panel Made Mostly Of Industry Advisers

"Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has appointed 15 representatives of the outdoor recreation industry to advise him on how to operate public lands, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post, including three people whom department officials flagged as potentially having a conflict of interest on the matter."

Source: Washington Post, 03/27/2018

EPA Says It Wants Research Transparency. Scientists See Attack on Science

"The Environmental Protection Agency is considering a major change to the way it assesses scientific work, a move that would severely restrict the research available to it when writing environmental regulations."

Source: NY Times, 03/27/2018

Lead Paint Lingers as Environmental Health Threat

Lead is not just poisoning much of the U.S. drinking water supply. It’s also a threat to millions of the nation’s children, who continue to ingest lead paint chips from older housing stock decades after lead paint was banned. This week’s TipSheet explores this perennial problem and offers resources for local coverage.

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IG To Open Probe Into Park Service Leader For Alleged Crude Gesture

"The Interior Department’s internal watchdog has opened an investigation into P. Daniel Smith, currently the top-ranking official at the National Park Service, for allegedly making a gesture involving his genitalia in the hallways of the department’s headquarter this year."

Source: Washington Post, 03/26/2018


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