National (U.S.)

"Politics: Next President Could Declare Climate Emergency, GOP Fears"

"Republicans Are increasingly concerned that President Trump's threat to build a border wall by declaring a national emergency might be repeated by a future president who sees climate change as an existential danger to the United States."

Source: ClimateWire, 01/14/2019

"Interior: Bernhardt Must Renew 'Acting' Heads By Month's End"

"Acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt must soon decide whether to maintain eight temporary agency directors, as the Trump administration presses into its third year without appointees for a slew of top posts at the department.

According to Secretarial Order 3345, eight temporary appointments — including the heads of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service — will expire on Jan. 31.

Source: Greenwire, 01/14/2019
January 6, 2025

DEADLINE: SABEW Best in Business Awards

Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing BIB awards honor excellence in business journalism. Categories include General Excellence, Energy/Sustainability/Climate Change & Health/Science (Story Topics) and Student Journalism. 2025 deadlines: Jan 6 (early bird); Jan 27 (regular); Jan 31 (late).

Topics on the Beat: 

"Shutdown Suspends Federal Cleanups At US Superfund Sites"

"The government shutdown has suspended federal cleanups at Superfund sites around the nation and forced the cancellation of public hearings, deepening the mistrust and resentment of surrounding residents who feel people in power long ago abandoned them to live among the toxic residue of the country’s factories and mines."

Source: AP, 01/11/2019


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