National (U.S.)

With Dems in Charge, House Science Committee Talks About Climate Science

"The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology devoted its first hearing of the 116th Congress to exploring the wide-ranging effects of climate change and explaining the science fueling them, a discussion that revealed a subtle shift among key Republicans toward accepting the prevailing research that points to human-driven global warming."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/14/2019

Wehrum Stayed In Close Touch With His Former Law Firm, New Emails Show

"Bill Wehrum, the Environmental Protection Agency’s top air policy official, continued to stay in close touch with employees at his former law firm after joining the Trump administration, according to documents released this week under the Freedom of Information Act."

Source: Washington Post, 02/14/2019

Enviros Sue The Corps For Not Turning Over Records On Formosa Plastics

"The Center for Biological Diversity filed suit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Tuesday (Feb. 12) saying the agency failed to turn over records related to a plant proposed in St. James Parish."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/13/2019

Trump Pressures TVA Not To Close Costly, Unreliable Coal Plant

"The U.S. president has joined Kentucky's governor and the coal state's U.S. senators in trying to pressure the Tennessee Valley Authority to keep a 49-year-old coal-fired power plant operating, even though the nation's largest public electric utility has concluded that the plant is unreliable, no longer needed and too expensive to repair and operate."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/13/2019

"EPA Superfund Adviser Kept In Touch With Bank After Ban"

"Despite promises to steer clear of his former employer, the disgraced banker who spearheaded EPA's toxic waste cleanup reform efforts communicated extensively while at the agency with the institution he once led, newly released emails show."

Source: E&E News PM, 02/13/2019


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