News Futures 2014: How Many Ways Will Climate Make News?
"Freedom Industries has terminated the contractor in charge of the cleanup of its Elk River chemical tank farm, just days after two incidents in which stormwater overflowed a collection ditch at the high-profile site, sending potentially contaminated runoff pouring into the river."
"Government officials involved in the multistate Chesapeake Bay cleanup pledged Monday to broaden and accelerate the long-running effort, including a vow to address the impacts of climate change on the ailing estuary."
"Despite early progress reducing Chesapeake Bay pollution, levels of a key pollutant, phosphorus, have not come down in many rivers in the past decade — and are actually rising in several, officials say."
"Pennsylvania is falling far short of goals for reducing agricultural water pollutants and urban and suburban runoff that are damaging the ecological health of the Chesapeake Bay, according to a new report by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Choose Clean Water Coalition."
"In what seems to be a reprise of four years ago, hundreds of thousands of dollars are pouring into the race for Pennsylvania governor from company executives with ties to the state's burgeoning natural gas industry."
"Citing what he said was 'extensive scientific evidence,' a federal judge has ruled for the first time that conductivity pollution from mountaintop removal mining operations is damaging streams in Southern West Virginia."
"In a rare unilateral action, Delaware regulators have commissioned a wide-ranging environmental evaluation at the idled Evraz Claymont Steel plant, a longtime source of problems ranging from metallic soot and mercury to toxic contaminants in soil and groundwater."
"A state study conducted in the aftermath of the 2012 train derailment in Paulsboro found that more than half of those interviewed reported new or intensified health issues in the days after the accident."