Other Events

March 24, 2016 to March 26, 2016

Marfa Dialogues/Houston: Looking at the Future of the Planet

Ballroom Marfa, FotoFest International and the Public Concern Foundation brings the Marfa Dialogues to Houston, Texas as part of the FotoFest 2016 Biennial exploring the theme of CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES: Looking at the Future of the Planet. Join us as we consider the scale of climate disruption from the hyperlocal to the hyperobject.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 11, 2016 to April 13, 2016

National Water Policy Forum, Fly-In & Expo

The Policy Forum, anchor event of Water Week 2016, will convene in Washington, D.C., featuring distinguished speakers, Capitol Hill visits and regulatory roundtables – all designed to elevate clean water issues to the top of the federal priority list.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 21, 2024 to March 30, 2024

DC Environmental Film Festival

The Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF) annually showcases environmentally themed films, since 1993. DCEFF is happy to have locally-based reporters attend screenings, but remote journalists should also feel free to reach out with interview requests for attending guests and filmmakers.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 9, 2016

Is Healthy Soil the Solution to Global Warming?

A French Ministry of Agriculture rep and international soil scientists will discuss the science behind soil carbon sequestration and how to drive the rapid, worldwide adoption of regenerative agriculture techniques that sequester carbon at the National Press Club, 8:00-11:00 a.m. on Mar 9 in Washington DC.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 22, 2016 to April 24, 2016

Earth Day Texas 2016

Earth Day Texas 2016, a free event in Dallas, offers an impressive lineup of environmental programming, conferences and networking opportunities, entertainment, special events, and sustainable culinary creations and libations that cannot be experienced anywhere else.

November 14, 2016 to November 15, 2016

2016 Global Action Summit

This invitation-only event in Nashville, moderated by CNN's Fareed Zakaria, will focus on how to accelerate scalable, sustainable urban and rural solutions.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 13, 2015 to November 14, 2015

24 Hours of Reality and Live Earth: The World Is Watching

In the lead up to the Paris climate talks, this day of climate action and music will be broadcast live from various locations around the globe. Hosted by former US Vice President Al Gore, guests include French President François Hollande, actors and activists Ryan Reynolds and Calum Worthy, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Telemundo journalist Vanessa Hauc and more.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 29, 2015

Tools for Smart Science Journalism

In this free Poynter/NewsU webinar at 2pm ET, you'll learn to how make sense of scientific data and tell stories in ways that connect with your audience. You'll get techniques and tips to improve your interviewing and reporting skills. You'll also learn how to lift the veil from front groups to launch investigations based on informed fact-gathering. Can't listen live? An archived replay will be available if you pre-register.

Topics on the Beat: 
November 5, 2015

Producing Great Audio Using Simple Tools

In this free Poynter/NewsU webinar at 2pm ET, you will learn best practices for using microphones, tips for recording great interviews, and foolproof ways for gathering natural sound. You'll get the tips and skills to give your audio pieces that professional “public radio quality” sound no matter what your skill level or budget. Can't listen live? An archived replay will be available if you pre-register.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 30, 2015

Making Invisible Fracking Air Pollution Visible

Reporters may find useful an Oct 30 webinar hosted by Earthworks on the FLIR camera, used by regulators to detect air pollution "leaks" from fracking-related facilities. Learn about how these infrared cameras work, the pollution they show and how to bring one to your community; the EPA's proposed rule to cut this pollution and where it needs strengthening; and more.



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