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DEADLINE: Fellowships for Translating Science/Telling Stories: “What We Talk About When We Talk About Climate Change”

Co-sponsored by the Society of Environmental Journalists and the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University, with funding from the National Science Foundation
Announcing the First of Three Fellowship Opportunities for Journalists AND Scientists
Translating Science/Telling Stories: "What We Talk About When We Talk About Climate Change" takes place June 9th, 2012, at the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, OH.
While communities across America grapple with climate change impacts and prepare for rising seas, intense storms, and record-setting droughts, civic concern and media coverage about climate change are on the decline.
The Translating Science/Telling Stories project will bring scientists and journalists together to discuss ways to better help the public appreciate the risks and understand the choices they, their communities, and their governments face.
Apply to join us Saturday, June 9th at the Great Lakes Science Center to hear about the latest in Great Lakes climate research, develop working relationships with colleagues and counterparts, and take a seat at the forefront of envisioning a new model of climate change communication.
We will explore questions like:
- Are there ways to “frame” research and reporting to capture audience attention?
- What are the possibilities and pitfalls of outlets like open-access journals and climate blogs?
- Can scientists and journalists reach audiences more directly via new forms of digital media without compromising professional objectivity?
It’s time to re-think the way we talk about climate change.
All travel, lodging and meal expenses are covered for applicants selected for the
workshop. To apply, send the following with the subject heading “TS/TS” to by 5:00pm EDT, APRIL 20th.
- 1-2 page letter of interest
- Current CV
- 1-2 clips of climate-related work
- 1-2 page letter of interest
- Current CV
- Summary of relevant research