SEJ Webinar: Mining Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability for Local Climate Disaster Stories

Event Date: 
September 18, 2024
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Mining Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability

for Local Climate Disaster Stories

Wednesday, September 18, 2024   |   1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

All journalists welcome!



Screenshot of Sept. 18, 2024 panelists

Video recording and chat log

As extreme weather continues to impact the U.S., Rebuild by Design, a climate adaptation research and planning organization based out of New York University, has launched the Atlas of Accountability, an interactive mapping tool designed to empower journalists, along with communities, planners and policymakers, to understand localized climate-fueled exposure to extreme weather disasters.

This tool and the accompanying report provide a comprehensive analysis of disaster data and post-disaster federal investment at the county level, offering journalists a trove of story potential at the state, regional and hyper-local level. It includes data that shows each U.S. state’s climate disaster experiences, their post-disaster government payout amounts, as well as the social vulnerability and energy reliability down to the county level, and what communities can do to address it.

The webinar will feature the AP’s Seth Borenstein and MK Wildeman, who will discuss how the Atlas of Accountability informed one of their feature stories, and how it can provide other reporters a deep understanding of county-level disaster experiences and federal pay-outs in every U.S. state. Rebuild by Design's Amy Chester and Johanna Lawton will also provide an overview of the report and a tutorial on the report's mapping tools.





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