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Groundtruth and Airwaves: Sensor Networks and Emerging Technology for Environmental Journalism
Technology–as remote as satellites and as close as our smartphones–offers new opportunities for collecting data about environmental topics. Evidence of rising sea levels, poor air quality, noise pollution and more can now be gathered from wireless sensor networks, open public data sets, and user-generated data from social media platforms. These tools make it simpler to gather, analyze and visualize data, helping to drive news stories for journalists and more thoughtful engagement and advocacy by activists. Yet vexing climate problems or environmental health hazards may not fit neatly into data sets or be available for affected locales. In developing countries, where 80% of the world’s population resides and where environmental degradation is felt most acutely, environmental hotspots are often “data deserts.” What does this rise of “sensor journalism” mean for environmental news?
Working journalists from around the world will join a panel of technology experts and research scientists at the University of California, Berkeley to explore opportunities and challenges found at the nexus of DIY sensors, crowdsourced data, and environmental and health journalism. 1 – 5 p.m. Advanced registration is required. $20 for general admission / $10 for faculty and staff / $5 for students.
Presented by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network, CITRIS (Center for Information Research in the Interest of Society), Knight Digital Media Center UC Berkeley, Geospatial Innovation Facility, Global Urban Humanities UC Berkeley, #wethedata, and New California Water Atlas.