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DC-area Happy Hour for SEJers, DC Science Writers, and Friends
Meet people and have fun on the rooftop of a comfortable and informal rooftop bar (with its own roof in case of rain). All welcome: SEJ members, science and environmental journalists, and those interested in meeting them, their partners and pals. This event is co-hosted by the esteemed DC Science Writers Association (DCSWA, pronounced "Duck-Schwa.") Eat, drink, be merry, meet colleagues and sources, conspire, circulate rumors, or complain about your editor.
Happy hour begins Wednesday, June 18, at 6:30 pm. Happy hour pricing runs until 9 pm.
Here is a map of the location. It is not a bad walk from the Dupont Circle Metro, and right on the S bus line if you can get a seat on an S bus from downtown. Parking in the neighborhood is limited.