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The Clean Water Act at 40: The J.B. & Maurice C. Shapiro Environmental Law Symposium

Co-Sponsored by The George Washington University Law School, The Environmental Law Institute, The Center for Progressive Reform, The Association of Clean Water Administrators, The Clean Water America Alliance, The GW Journal of Energy and Environmental Law, and The GW Environmental Law Association.
Registration: To register for this event, please complete the registration form before March 15. Please note: GW Law students and faculty may attend at no cost and should email directly to register.
Thursday, March 22
8:30–9 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast
9–9:15 am: Welcome
Paul Schiff Berman, Dean and Robert Kramer Research Professor of Law, The George Washington University Law School.
Robert L. Glicksman, J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Environmental Law, The George Washington University Law School.
9:15–10:15 am: Perspectives
Lee Paddock, Associate Dean for Environmental Legal Studies and Professorial Lecturer in Law, The George Washington University Law School.
N. William Hines, Dean Emeritus and Joseph F. Rosenfield Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Iowa College of Law.
Nancy Stoner, Acting Associate Administrator for Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
10:15–10:30 am: Break
10:30 am–Noon: Evolution of the CWA
Adam Schempp, Staff Attorney and Director, Western Water Program, Environmental Law Institute.
William Andreen, Edgar L. Clarkson Professor of Law, The University of Alabama School of Law.
William W. Buzbee, Professor of Law and Director of Emory Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program, Emory University School of Law.
Christine Klein, Chesterfield Smith Professor of Law and Director, LL.M. Program in Environmental & Land Use Law, University of Florida Levin College of Law.
Noon–1 pm: Lunch
Peter Lehner, Executive Director, Natural Resources Defense Council.
1–2:15 pm: Jurisdiction
Lance D. Wood, Assistant Chief Counsel of the Environmental Law and Regulatory Programs of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Professorial Lecturer in Law, The George Washington University Law School.
Holly Doremus, Professor of Law and Co-Faculty Director, Center for Law, Energy and the Environment, University of California Berkeley School of Law.
Donna M. Downing, Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Professorial Lecturer in Law, The George Washington University Law School.
A. Dan Tarlock, Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of the Program in Environmental and Energy Law, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law.
2:15–2:30 pm: Break
2:30–2:45 pm: Presentation of the 2012 Jamie Grodsky Prize for Environmental Law Scholarship
2:45–4:15 pm: Infrastructure and Cooperative Federalism
- Moderator:
- Benjamin H. Grumbles, President, Clean Water America Alliance.
Robert W. Adler, James I. Farr Chair and Professor of Law, The University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law.
Alexandra D. Dunn, Executive Director and General Counsel, Association of Clean Water Administrators.
Brent A. Fewell, Vice President of Environmental Compliance, United Water.
Ryan C. Seiger, Staff Director and Senior Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.
4:15–5:30 pm: Compliance and Enforcement Issues
Jeffrey G. Miller, Professor of Law, Pace University Law School.
Karl S. Coplan, Professor and Co-Director of the Environmental Litigation Clinic, Pace University Law School.
Catherine A. O’Neill, Associate Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law.
Rena I. Steinzor, Professor of Law, University of Maryland School of Law.
5:30–6:30 pm: Reception with The George Washington Journal of Energy & Environmental Law and the Environmental Law Association.
7 pm: Symposium Dinner (by invitation)
Friday, March 23
8–8:30 am: Continental Breakfast
8:30–9:45 am: Perspectives II
Robin L. Juni, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Professorial Lecturer in Law, The George Washington University Law School.
Ridgway M. Hall, Senior Counsel, Crowell & Moring LLP.
Christophe A.G. Tulou, Director, District of Columbia Department of the Environment.
10–10:15 am: Break
10:15–11:30 am: Challenges for the CWA
James M. McElfish Jr., Senior Attorney and Director, Sustainable Use of Land Program, Environmental Law Institute.
Robin K. Craig, Professor and Associate Dean for Environmental Programs, Florida State University College of Law.
Robert L. Glicksman, Professor, J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Environmental Law, The George Washington University Law School.
Jon Mueller, Vice President of Litigation, Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Sandi B. Zellmer, Alumni Professor of Natural Resources Law, University of Nebraska College of Law.
11:45 am–Noon: Break
Noon–1:15 pm: What Lies Ahead
Benjamin Wilson, Managing Principal, Beveridge & Diamond
Jamie Benidickson, Professor, University of Ottawa
Benjamin H. Grumbles, President, Clean Water American Alliance.
Ken Kirk, Executive Director of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies.
Sylvia A. Quast, Chief, Defensive Civil Litigation Unit, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California.
Kathy Robb, Partner, Hunton & Williams LLP.