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ASEH Plenary Session: William Cronon Discusses "Sustainability: A Short History of the Future"
“History and Sustainability: Stories of Progress, Hubris, Decline, and Resilience”
The American Society for Environmental History’s next annual conference will take place in Phoenix, Arizona, April 13-17, 2011. Hosted by Arizona State University, the conference will include on April 14th a plenary talk by William Cronon, the University of Wisconsin historian and author of the “Scholar as Citizen” blog that has become a center of controversy regarding academic freedom. See:
The conference will also include an address on sustainability by ASU president Michael Crow and workshop sponsored by ASU's School of Sustainability and the Decision Center for a Desert City. Additional events will include a plenary discussion on immigration, borderlands, and the environment, as well as panels, environmental film screenings, and exhibits examining the border fence’s impact on people and ecological communities.
For more information, see - "Phoenix conference"