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AAJA Scholarship, Internship, Internship Grant and Fellowship Opportunities
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) offers up to $20,000 in scholarships and grants to journalism students every year. The money can go towards paying a number of things, including tuition and fees, internship costs and living expenses. These opportunities have different deadlines, applications and criteria, so please read the descriptions carefully.
We are currently accepting applications for the following scholarships:
Due by January 15, 2023:
White House Correspondents’ Association Scholarship
Due by January 30, 2023:
Jimmie & Suey Fong Yee Grants
Al Young Sports Journalism Scholarship
Michael Kim Journalism Fellowship
Vincent Chin Memorial Scholarship
Mary Quon Moy Ing Memorial Scholarship
Due by February 28, 2023:
ABC News/Alexa Valiente Summer Memorial Internship
NBC News Summer Fellowship
Due by March 30, 2023:
Sam Chu Lin and Lloyd LaCuesta Broadcast News Internship Grants
William Woo Print and Online News Grant
Stanford Chen Internship Grant
Due by April 1, 2023 and October 1, 2023:
Dinah Eng Leadership Fellowship Grant
ProPublica Diversity Scholarship Program $750
Available to current high school, college and grad school students to offset costs for AAJA’s annual National Convention. Check back for details.