
"Corporate America's Public Enemy No. 1: The EPA"

"On Monday, House oversight committee chair Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) released more than 100 letters he has received from corporations, trade groups, and associations outlining the regulations they'd like to see changed. The letters make clear that the Environmental Protection Agency is corporate America's top target."

Source: Mother Jones, 02/08/2011
August 2, 2011

EPA Webinar: Consumption and Well Being: Social Motivating Factors for Supporting Environmental Health

Webinar 6 of 10 in US EPA's year-long webinar series exploring how people can reduce greenhouse gases by making more sustainable choices that support a vital economy. Each month, guest speakers share their views on consumption and get participants thinking and talking about how personal choices can impact the environment.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 4, 2011

EPA Webinar: Measuring the Impacts of What We Consume (Part 2)

Webinar 8 of 10 in US EPA's year-long webinar series exploring how people can reduce greenhouse gases by making more sustainable choices that support a vital economy. Each month, guest speakers share their views on consumption and get participants thinking and talking about how personal choices can impact the environment.

Topics on the Beat: 
May 3, 2011

EPA Webinar: Food: Why We Eat Too Much and Waste Too Much

Webinar 4 of 10 in US EPA's year-long webinar series exploring how people can reduce greenhouse gases by making more sustainable choices that support a vital economy. Each month, guest speakers share their views on consumption and get participants thinking and talking about how personal choices can impact the environment.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 5, 2011

EPA Webinar: Your Eco Footprint/ Downsizing Your Consumption

Webinar 3 of 10 in US EPA's year-long webinar series exploring how people can reduce greenhouse gases by making more sustainable choices that support a vital economy. Each month, guest speakers share their views on consumption and get participants thinking and talking about how personal choices can impact the environment.

Topics on the Beat: 


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