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"The U.S. Is Ditching Coal. The Supreme Court Ruling Won’t Change That."

"When conservative environmental lawyer Jeffrey Holmstead joined the Bracewell firm in late 2006, it represented the whole range of electric power companies, including coal-fired utilities and coal mining firms. Not anymore. The chief executives of electric utilities, wary of the perils of climate change, are marching away from coal, as well as other fossil fuels."

Source: Washington Post, 07/01/2022

Protest Protocol: How Journalists Can Stay Safe in Times of Unrest

Registration is open for a National Press Club Journalism Institute virtual safety training on how to cover political protests and civil unrest while limiting your legal exposure and physical safety risks. 11:30 a.m. ET.

"EPA: Flame Retardant Chemical Poses Unreasonable Risk"

"A controversial substance once commonly used as a flame retardant poses outsize risks to both human health and the environment, according to EPA, in a decision that formalizes a new “whole chemical” approach to assessing the dangers of a compound."

Source: E&E News, 06/30/2022
