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Caregivers of Seniors, Disabled Trained for Climate Disasters

"A pilot program in California is offering tools and emergency response training to caregivers, who often find themselves on the front lines of wildfires, hurricanes or other natural disasters."

"Brian Smith was getting ready for work one Thursday in 2018 when he was jolted by loud raps on the window and poked his head out the door to see his neighbors running from house to house yelling, “Fire!”

Source: Inside Climate News, 07/13/2022

"Dangerous Heat Wave Strikes China"

"As dozens of cities in eastern and southern China issued heat alerts on Tuesday, with some temperature forecasts exceeding 104 degrees over the next 24 hours, health workers conducted outdoor coronavirus tests with packets of frozen snacks strapped to their white hazmat suits. Roofs melted, roads cracked and some residents sought relief in underground air-raid shelters."

Source: NYTimes, 07/13/2022

DEADLINE: Reporting on Water — An IJNR/Uproot Training Workshop for Journalists

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources and the Uproot Project invite applications by Jul 22 from journalists of color who want to learn how to cover the environment, Aug 21-23, 2022, at The Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie. Learn about reporting on water from scientists and veteran environment journalists.

One-Day Law School for Journalists: Learn Everything You Need to Know to Cover the Courts

This annual Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts event will be held virtually on July 26, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM ET. The program is designed to support journalists who face the challenge of covering the courts without a law degree.
