Search results

"B.L.M. Expedites Review of Energy Projects"

"Thirty–one proposed renewable energy and power transmission projects have been put on the fast track for approval by the Bureau of Land Management, with the aim of getting them paid for with stimulus funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."

Source: Green Inc., 01/06/2010

"A New Hurdle for Cape Wind?"

"In a new setback for a controversial wind farm proposed off Cape Cod, the National Park Service announced Monday that Nantucket Sound was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, guaranteeing further delays for the project."

Source: NYTimes, 01/06/2010

"NOAA Proposes Habitat Protection for Sea Turtles"

"Federal biologists on Tuesday proposed the first open ocean habitat protections for the endangered leatherback sea turtle along the West Coast, an action that could affect future development of offshore renewable energy, aquaculture and desalination plants."

Source: AP, 01/06/2010

"Support Builds in Congress Over Mining Reform"

"After years of negotiations between environmentalists and industry groups, observers say efforts to reform a century-old law regulating mining may finally pick up steam in Congress."

Source: AP, 01/04/2010

"Report Cites Crippling Infighting at Nuclear Site"

"The infighting among the federal officials in charge of the Savannah River Site, a federally owned nuclear site in South Carolina that won one of the country’s biggest pots of stimulus money, is so severe that it threatens to undermine public confidence in their work, a federal watchdog warned Thursday."

Source: NYTimes, 01/04/2010
