
Report: Nitrogen and Phosphorous Pollution Remains Serious Threat

The USGS study used data from thousands of locations to analyze trends from 1992 to 2004. You can probably find many local and regional stories as these pollutants contribute to various environmental and human health problems.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Gas Plans Divide Central Pennsylvania Community"

"The tension between drillers in Pennsylvania's gas-rich Marcellus shale and communities trying protect natural resources has reached a fevered pitch in Clinton County, where a zoning hearing board resigned rather than allow a water withdrawal station at a scenic bend of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River that draws kayakers, hang gliders, hunters and fly fishermen."

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 09/27/2010

AK Spill Response Tech Outdated and Underfunded, Lawmakers Warned

"A Valdez-based citizen watchdog group told legislators Tuesday that the state's arsenal of oil-response equipment lags behind modern technology and the state division that enforces the rules for preventing and cleaning up spills has an 'ever-worsening funding shortage.'"

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 09/22/2010


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