
"More Than 100 Treated After Chemical Accident In Northeastern Kansas"

"More than 100 people were treated for respiratory problems after a chemical spill at an MGP Ingredients Inc facility on Friday generated a chemical cloud over the northeastern Kansas city of Atchison before authorities declared the threat over."

Source: Reuters, 10/24/2016

U.N. Fears More Cholera In Haiti After Storm; Protests Slowing Relief

"The scale of a cholera outbreak in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew may be underreported because remote areas are cut off, a United Nations official in charge of controlling the disease said on Tuesday, adding protests over slow aid made the problem worse."

Source: Reuters, 10/19/2016

Factory Farming Practices Scrutinized In N.C. After Hurricane Floods

"A filthy brown sea, a slurry of mud, debris, chemicals and waste, has overtaken miles of rural counties in North Carolina. Against the drab water, the shiny metal roofs of hog houses are impossible to miss, visible from the air, as are the rectangular and diamond-shaped outlines of massive lagoons constructed just feet away."

Source: Wash Post, 10/17/2016


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