National (U.S.)

Opinion: "Is This a Joke?" (Facebook and Climate)

"Facebook’s plan to combat climate misinformation running rampant on its site is here. It is a... “climate science information center” of facts, figures, and news stories about the climate crisis that obscures the systematic changes needed to address climate change while peddling tips that mirror Big Oil talking points. The whole thing is a giant hand-wave to distract us from looking at the real solutions to climate change and the role Facebook is playing in corroding them."

Source: Earther, 09/17/2020

"EPA Postpones Environmental Justice Training After White House Memo"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will postpone training on environmental inequity faced by communities of color and low-income communities following a White House order calling for agencies to stop training involving what it described as 'anti-American propaganda.'"

Source: The Hill, 09/17/2020

Trump’s Forest Management Won’t Save Us In A More Flammable World

"In California, smoke plumes spun into twisters made out of soot and flame, prompting the first-ever “fire tornado” warning. In Oregon, blazes advanced on towns so rapidly that even fire crews had to flee. Never in memory have so many fires burned so much land in so many places over such a short span of time. The smoke has enveloped the whole continent, dimming the sun in cities 2,000 miles away."

Source: Washington Post, 09/17/2020


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