National (U.S.)

"Obama Carbon Rule Backed by Most Americans — WSJ/NBC Poll"

"More than two-thirds of Americans support President Barack Obama’s new climate rule and more than half say the U.S. should address global warming even if it means higher electricity bills, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 06/18/2014

"Grazing on Federal Land Under Threat Because of Drought"

"There's not much anyone can tell Barry Sorensen about Idaho's Big Desert that he doesn't know. Sorensen, 72, and his brother have been running cattle in this sere landscape all their lives, and they've weathered every calamity man and nature have thrown at them — until this drought came along."

Source: LA Times, 06/17/2014

"4 in 10 Higher Risk Wells Aren't Inspected By Feds"

"NEW CASTLE, Colo. — Four in 10 new oil and gas wells near national forests and fragile watersheds or otherwise identified as higher pollution risks escape federal inspection, unchecked by an agency struggling to keep pace with America's drilling boom, according to an Associated Press review that shows wide state-by-state disparities in safety checks."

Source: AP, 06/17/2014

"Details About Crude Oil Rail Shipments Shrouded in Secrecy"

"Trains carrying a potentially more flammable crude oil have begun rolling with little notice through Sacramento and California in the last year, prompting concerns about safety and calls for more transparency, but state officials said Friday they have decided for now not to release information to the public on where those trains run or how many there are."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 06/17/2014
October 5, 2014 to October 11, 2014

International Union of Forest Research Organizations - 2014 World Congress

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations is holding its every-5th-year World Congress in Salt Lake City, UT this year. Media professionals are encouraged to attend. All attendees with a media/press pass will have access to the conference plenary, sub-plenary and technical sessions, the media room and press events, and entry to the expo floor.


"Robert Bullard: The Father of Environmental Justice"

"As a sociologist in the 1970s, Robert Bullard made a dismaying discovery: Houston landfills and incinerators were far more likely to be located in communities of color than in white neighborhoods, even though blacks made up just one-fourth of the city’s population. That realization launched a lifetime of environmental justice work, including leadership in convening the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit and framing the landmark 17 Principles of Environmental Justice in 1991, bringing environmental justice to the fore at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and catalyzing creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Justice."

Source: Ensia, 06/16/2014

"A Dilemma With Aging Coal Plants: Retire Them Or Restore Them?"

"When the coal-fired power plant at the Bingham Canyon copper mine in Utah started up, Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for his fourth term as president. The top music hits were sung by Bing Crosby, Jimmy Dorsey and Dinah Shore. D-Day was still a couple of months away."

Source: Wash Post, 06/16/2014


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