"Carter: 'Nutcases' Are Stopping Climate Action"
"Former President Carter says climate skeptics are the 'biggest handicap' for the U.S. when it comes to acting on global warming."
"Former President Carter says climate skeptics are the 'biggest handicap' for the U.S. when it comes to acting on global warming."
"Attacks on an electric facility and increased attention from regulators has fueled concern about safeguarding facilities."
"Susan Swithers is no stranger to food industry criticism."
"Energy companies have used thousands of gallons of diesel to frack for oil and gas without obtaining the necessary permits required under federal law, according to a new report by the Environmental Integrity Project."
"Conservationists said on Wednesday they will sue the Obama administration over its decision to deny federal protections for rare wolverines in the mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming."
"Mice exposed to disinfectants in commercial-grade cleaning products took longer to get pregnant, had fewer pups and suffered more miscarriages and distressed fetuses, researchers reported today."
"More than a foot of rain hit parts of New York's Long Island on Wednesday, enough to set a preliminary state record, triggering flash floods and swamping cars on major roads that were turned into rivers during the morning rush hour."
Just over a year after an oil-train explosion in Quebec killed 47 people, information on the threats oil trains present to public safety is starting to seep through a long blackout in which railroads convinced pliable federal regulators that the public was better off not knowing. Journalists from the AP and McClatchy FOIA'd information loose from Amtrak on Maryland and Pennsylvania, two of the states that have been reluctant to disclose.
"There's a lot of pseudoscience and straight-up nonsense floating around in the airwaves." It's called Shark Week.
"Climate change is creating all kinds of challenges and opportunities for business. One of the sectors that feels the effects most immediately is agriculture. Already, weather patterns are making it more challenging to raise corn — even in Iowa — in the middle of the Corn Belt."