National (U.S.)

"Ethanol's Next Generation Powers Up Amid Resistance"

"Wednesday is biofuel's big moment: The first of three commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol plants comes online in Iowa. It took years of tricky engineering to get to this point. But that may prove the easy part, for the fuel's promise as a climate solution hinges heavily on federal policy."

Source: Daily Climate, 09/04/2014

"White House Won't Use NEPA Effectively on Climate And Clean Energy"

"The White House won’t use the law on federal environmental impacts assessments as an effective tool for executive action on climate and clean energy projects. The Council on Environmental Quality has let four years go by without acting on proposed guidance to federal agencies on permitting of energy projects under the National Environmental Policy Act, rejecting appeals to take stronger action and leaving the playing field tilted in favor of the fossil fuel industry."

Source: Climate Science Watch, 09/03/2014

Enviros, Food Groups Want Endangered Listing for Monarch Butterfly

"A coalition of environmental and food-safety groups is asking the Fish and Wildlife Service to grant endangered species protection to the monarch butterfly, whose U.S. population, the groups say, last year fell to 90 percent below its 20-year average."

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 09/03/2014


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